
Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Tribute to Mother goddess

 The soil creates all.
 The colors are contrastive.

 The Queen of the flower, Peony.

 Like a heart.
 Under of the affection, in the darkness.


 The wind to brush cheeks.
 Yes. for you, too.


 牡丹散りて   打かさなりぬ   ニ三片
  与謝蕪村  (1716 – 1783)

 scattered peony   piled up   several pieces
  Yosa Buson (1716 – 1783)

 はなもまた  君のためにとさきいでて  世にならびなき  春にあふらし
   淀殿      (1569 – 1615)

 the flower, too  bloomed for you  best the world  encountered the spring
   Yodo-dono  (1569 – 1615)

Great blessings of the Nature

 There is a sense of dynamism in silence.
 Please enjoy the delicacy of interest.

"Heart" Japanese calligraphy

    "心" (shinn, or kokoro). It is translated as heart, maind, spirit, etc.

    This character is written by Kanzi, regular script.

    Etymology :  Hieroglyph
    This letter was created by the form of the heart.
    The ancient people express the state of the complicated internal organs well.

    The Nature surely took most away from us.
    However, we have already taken more than it away from Nature, too.

    The Japanese had lost the traditional HEART after World War II.
    We have converted all into money.
    It might be omen to receive the future severe reward.

    The time when should recur in the origin of our own might come to pick us up. 

   "The man knowing that he is satisfied is wealthy"  Laozi.
   Yes, it's wealthy HEART.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Infinite expansion

 The empty.
 The earth disappears in it.

 Soon i will fade away, too...

 The ultramarine...
 You two will infiltrate through profound.

 The eternal freedom with gentle breeze.

 It accepts me without saying anything.
 Yes, at any time.

 All's hometown.

 春の海   ひねもす   のたりのたりかな
  与謝蕪村   (1716 – 1783)

 the spring sea   all day long   undulates and quiet
  Yosa Buson  (1716 – 1783)

The circulation space

 Cities and Farm villages of Japan.
 Please enjoy the pictorial scene.

"Sky" Japanese calligraphy

 "空"(sora, or kū) It is most often translated as "Void", but also meaning "sky" or "Heaven".

 It is one of the five elements.
 This character is written by Kanzi, Regular script.

 Etymology : Phono-semantic compound
(holl)  + phonetic  (labour, work)

 The ancient people may have imagined that it was opened a hole in the sky.
 They would have a really magnificent design.

 一切は「無」, 一切は「空」。
 All is "Nothing", all is "Void".

 The thing which I watch may be created by my heart...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Fresh air space

 All colors are deepened.
 So that energy is filled.

 Air is created, and will be purified.

 My eyes are activated by Nature.

 What will the heart need in others?

 What is the essence of the satisfaction?
 This space poses various questions to me.

 Perhaps, it may spring out of my inside.

"Green" Japanese calligraphy

 "" (ryoku, midori). It is translated as green, verdure.
 This character is written by Kanzi,
Regular script.

 Etymology : Phono-semantic compound
 彔 (peel)  +  糸 (thread)

 The character means a thread dyed into a color of the bamboo which stripped the bark off.

 The green reminds me of the life.
 All creation seems to begin from here...

 Fresh verdure realize that myself live now.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Breathing of the land

 The quiet smile lingered by itself in the shade of fresh verdure.
 Time to wait for somebody.

 I forget the moment.

 The cheerful air will warm all.
 ... become active.

 The throbbing pulse of life reminds of new situation.

 Each of these is lovely...
 The infinite expansion.

 The light blue stars.

 あらたうと  青葉若葉の  日の光 
  松尾芭蕉    (1644 – 1694)

 what a holy  fresh young leaves  light of the day (Mt. Nikko) 
  Matsuo Bashō (1644 – 1694) 

"Four seasons" Japanese calligraphy

 "四季" (shi ki). It is translated with four seasons.  
 This character is written by Kanzi,
Regular script.

 The first letter expresses four. The next expresses a season.
 And it is a sound of very beautiful words.

 It is used in this way.
 "季節 (ki setsu)" It is translated with a season.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Children's Day In wind

 May 5 is "Duanwu Festival" day in the Orient.
 It also means the Beginning day. 
 These manners and customs were begun in China of the third century.

 The Photografr Weekly "Art & Entertainment" Sunday, May. 01, 2011

 It is a nation holiday as "Children's Day" in the Far East on that day.
 The family whom a boy was born as displays carp streamer (
Koinobori) and Paper-carp streamers colored beautifully in the garden.

 The people pray for the growth that the boy is healthy.

 They perform various festivals nationwide in each place.
 The seal of the blessing family...

 The people share joy with them when they watch carp streamer.

 Girls' Day is March 3.  Please click here.

"Joy" Japanese calligraphy

 "" (ki, yorokobu). It is translated as like, love, enjoy, joyful thing, etc.
 This character is written by Kanzi,
Regular script.

 Etymology : Ideogrammic compound
 壴 (drum)  +  口 (mouth)

 The state to be pleased that people play music.

 This character has very lucky meanings in the Orient.

 Meeting with all of my followers you.
 And recognizing the world that I do not know.
 Sharing the world that I do not know with the friends.
 It is my "Joy".

 Infinite "Joy"  Each person is walking toward it...

 I hope that you arrive at there.