
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Pleasures of a happy home

  Evening reminds me of a family.
  The place that people come back through.

  Small house is full of much love.

  The back of mother.
  I still hold the impression of the color.

  The warm touch.

  The shore is sometimes dyed in colors like mother.
  With nostalgia.


  夕空見てから 夜食の箸とる
   尾崎 放哉 (1885 - 1926)

  after watching  evening sky  take chopsticks
   Ozaki Hōsai  (1885 - 1926)

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Nature Elegant Change

  Please enjoy mysterious swelling which gradually changes with music.

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" Mother " Japanese calligraphy

  "母" (bo, or haha). It is translated as mother.
  This character is written by Kanzi, Regular script.

  Etymology : Pictogram
   a woman with breasts with nipples kneeling or standing.
   In modern form turned on left side.
   Cognate to 女 (“woman”), which has developed similarly, but does not include dots for nipples and has lost one breast.
   Compare also 卵 (“eggs”), presumably from testicles.

   The fertile form seems to mold the shape of mother.
   It may be expressed the gentleness, too.

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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Gone with blue-green airspace

  The paddy-rice finally changes to deep green.
  They will continue the undulation such as the wave.

  So, without cease.

  The strong backlight focuses on the rice field.
  Deeper, more distance.

  Like heat haze...

  The clouds are wandering about in the silence.
  The candela lets colors float still more.

  All may be absorbed there.

  初秋や  海も青田も  一みどり
   松尾 芭蕉 (1644 - 1694)

  early fall  both sea and rice field  one green
   Matsuo Bashō  (1644 - 1694)

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" Fleeting Dreams " Japanese calligraphy

  This character is written by Kanzi and Hiragana.
Hiragana; the rounded Japanese phonetic syllabary

  夏草や  つわものどもが  夢のあと
   松尾 芭蕉  (1644 - 1694)

  summer grass  warriors...  traces of dreams
   Matsuo Bashō  (1644 - 1694)

  Hiragana seems to express flexible Japanese mind.
  The lines are delicate.

  The unique view of the haiku world is made to amplify depth by them still more.
  Short, but it may not show the bottom.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Endless Summer

  That memory.
  In the distance...

  It is not sent back anymore.

  Yes. I enjoy this moment.
  Lovely this time.

  The memory is carved with in the heart.

  The eyes stare at something calmly.
  I will go the direction sometime soon.

  The place that waits for me.

  涼しさの  肌に手を置き  夜の秋
   高浜 虚子

  the cool  put hands on skin  autumn night 
Kyoshi Takahama

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" Summer " Japanese calligraphy

  "夏" (ka, natsu). It is translated as summer.
  This character is written by Kanzi, Seal script.

  Etymology : Hieroglyph

  The figure which the man attaches a big mask, and dance.
  Then it came to gradually express the size of the person.
  It has the meaning of the state that force is prosperous.

  "The summer"
  Delight, and the later lingering sound.
  The summer thought floatage and calms down.

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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Shimmering golden threads

  Please show the vain souls.
  The brightness to praise the world.
  The holy sacrifice is short life.

  The golden slit may be an entrance to the futures.
  We will be led there.

  Stars to glisten are fleeting hope.

  A simple bouquet floats in the night sky.
  Oh, i am satisfied with this.

  Only in mere it...

  星一つ  残して落る  花火かな
    酒井 抱一   (1761-1828)

  one star   leave and fall   fireworks
    Sakai  Hōitsu (1761-1828)

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Nagaoka city fireworks

  Please enjoy gorgeous night view.

Nagaoka city, Niigata Prefecture
Fireworks images

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"Festival" Japanese calligraphy

  "" (sai, matsuri). It is translated as sacrifice to, ceremonial, festival, etc.
  This character is written by Kanzi, Semi-cursive script.

  Etymology : Ideogrammic compound
  ⺼ (meat)  +  手 (hand)  +  示 (ceremony)

  The sound of these words is good for Japanese summer season.
  Cheer is remembered by itself.