
Saturday, February 8, 2025

Kamishikimi Kumanoimasu Shrine


Kamishikimi Kumanoimasu Shrine

The mystery of the Far East, far away from you.

Here is Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan.

Monday, February 3, 2025

" ZEN " Japanese calligraphy

    "禪" (zen). It is translated in ZEN.

    Please look at next these how about some knowledge.
    It is something about the ZEN's priest "Dōgen".
    It is something about the ZEN's prose, "Shōbōgenzō" - Japanese old literature.
    It is something about the Japanese calligraphy.

Zen Buddhist monks

A Day in the Life of a Zen Monk

Simply Sit to Gain Enlightenment

" Something Most Oriental " ( 1963 lecture)

"The more you suffer, the deeper your character becomes and the more you can appreciate life."

 by Daisetsu Suzuki 

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Shichi - Go -San ( seven - five - three )

Shichi-Go-San is a traditional rite of passage and festival day in Far east.

For three and seven year-old girls and three and five year-old boys, held annually on November 15.

Shichi-Go-San is said to have originated in the Heian Period (794-1185) amongst court nobles,
who would celebrate the passage of their children into middle childhood.

The children wear the kimono which was various colors.

Chitose Ame, literally "thousand year candy", is given to children on Shichi-Go-San.
It is long, thin, red and white candy, which symbolizes healthy growth and longevity. A girl has it.

The behind boy wears a white Tabi and Hakama.

Here is Tomioka Hachiman Shrine, downtown area of Tokyo.

Sunday, November 3, 2024

" Autumn " Japanese-Calligraphy ( Semi-cursive script )

" 秋 " ( shū,or aki ). It is translated in autumn.
This character is written by Kanzi, Semi-cursive script.

Etymology : Semantic
秋 ⇒ 禾 (grain) + 束 (bind)
The meaning harvests the crops, and bundle it up.

Autumn is the season of the blessing.
The abundant leads people to the joy.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Good fortune Meteor shower

 Please light up this darkness.
 The time goes by.

 Ah, this moment...

 And, ours.

 The future...

 The pure comes over from the everlasting distance.
 And, leave for faraway.

 The life...

 夕飯や  花火聞ゆる  川開
   正岡  子規      (1867 – 1902)

 supper time  fireworks sound  river festival
   Masaoka  Shiki   (1867 – 1902)

In Japan, fireworks have a history of about 600 years. They are made by special craftsmen.