The hand grasped mother tightly. As if she is going to totally keep her life from the sea...
Existence of beautiful and violent. Existence of pretty and weak.
Three reflections walk the shoreline carefully. The mirror of the sandy beach...
That island may invite the mother and children.
Ten years later... Will this scenery be still left in her heart? This footprint. This ripple. This moment. Yes, they are transient.
Ah. The joy is still eternity for children, isn't it? I hope so... Stay Gold.
There is this shore in the "Saga" that is not known to the foreign tourists most in Japan. It is my joy to invite my friend followers to the SECRET place.
This character has very lucky meanings in the Orient.
Meeting with all of my followers you. And recognizing the world that I do not know. Sharing the world that I do not know with the friends. It is my "Joy".
Infinite "Joy" Each person is walking toward it...