
Saturday, March 23, 2013

The cherry blossoms are starting to bloom with " Birth " Japanese calligraphy

Flowering cherry is very early this year.
Severe cold was already forgotten.

Four Seasons always come around.

SAKURA is Japanese view of life and death itself.
Short life. Ephemeral fate.

We are reminded them every year from the ancient times.

Joy to born. Sorrow to gone.
Both are tied.

Ironically they will create comedy and tragedy, mixing or even reversing.

    今年より  春知りそむる  桜花
      散ると言ふことは  ならはざらなむ

        紀貫之 (872 – 945)   古今和歌集 (醍醐天皇 編)

    in this year known spring for the first time  Cherry Blossoms SAKURA
       I want to say   that NOT learning to fall

        Ki no Tsurayuki (872 – 945)   Kokin Wakashū (compiled by Emperor Daigo)

    "生" (shō, or sei). It is translated as life, living, lifetime, birth, etc.

   This character is written by Kanzi, Semi-cursive script.

    Etymology : hieroglyph
    Form that grows out of the grass

     いま桜  咲きぬと見えて  うす曇り
        春にかすめる  世の気色かな

          読人知らず   新古今和歌集 (後鳥羽上皇 編)

     Now Cherry Blossoms  signs as blooming    slightly overcast sky
        Spring is hazy  views of the world     

          unknown     Shin Kokin Wakashū (compiled by the retired emperor Go-Toba)

  Kyoto has a lot of noted places of the cherry tree.
  The history might polish them.

  Taking more than 1,000 years.

      ゆかん人 来ん人しのべ 春がすみ
         立田の山の  はつ桜花

            西行法師 (1118 – 1190)   新古今和歌集 (後鳥羽上皇 編)
      Those who have gone  or coming, please remember  Spring haze
         Tatsuta mountains  first cherry blossoms

            Saigyō (1118 – 1190)  Shin Kokin Wakashū (compiled by the retired emperor Go-Toba)

Friday, March 1, 2013

Girls' lovely Day with " Festival " Japanese calligraphy

The Japanese Doll Festival (Hina-matsuri), or Girls' Day, is held on March 3. 
Platforms with a red hi-mōsen are used to display a set of ornamental dolls (hina-ningyō)

representing the Emperor, Empress, attendants, and musicians in traditional court dress.

The custom of displaying dolls began during the Heian period (since about 1200 before). 
The official decoration consists of five or seven steps

Each position is selected as each role.

Girls celebrate it while eating cakes in front of hina-ningyō.
These dolls are succeeded to carefully by ancestors from generation to generation.

Therefore they have the very long history.

   草の戸も 住み替る代ぞ ひなの家
     松尾芭蕉  (1644 - 1694)

   Poor my home take new resident dolls are displayed
     Matsuo Bashō (1644 - 1694)

"祭" (sai, matsuri). It is translated as sacrifice to, ceremonial, festival, etc.
This character is written by Kanzi, Semi-cursive script. 

Etymology : Ideogrammic compound
  ⺼ (meat)  +  手 (hand)  +  示 (ceremony)

Many encounters will create various stories.
I image the figures that people bless each other in a hand hand.

very small event. very profound love.

   掌に 飾つて見るや 雛の市
     小林一茶 (1763 - 1827)

   In a palm decoration looks at market of dolls
     Kobayashi Issa (1763 - 1827)

This song is known to all Japanese.
It is the gentle music that a calm spring day seems.

The mind to value a tradition is included there.

   雛祭る 都はづれや 桃の月
     与謝蕪村 (1716 - 1784)

   The Doll's Festival even this country moon of peach
     Yosa Buson (1716 - 1784)