Japan last week experienced a deep snow for the first time in decades.
Still, covering the earth.
I have come across for the first time in my life.
雪の内に 春はきにけり うぐひすの こほれる涙 今やとくらむ
二条后 藤原高子 (842-910) 古今和歌集
In the snow spring has come tears spilling from the bush warbler will melt?
Fujiwara no Takaiko (842-910) Kokin Wakashū

み吉野は 山もかすみて 白雪の ふりにし里に 春は来にけり
摂政太政大臣 九条良経 (1169-1206) 新古今和歌集
Mountains of Yoshino falling white snow like hazy in lonely village spring has come
Kujō Yoshitsune (1169-1206) Shin Kokin Wakashū

Severity of winter will further enhance the joy of spring.
Please take care of yourself.
ヒソプの枝で私の罪を払って下さい。私が清くなるように。 私を洗って下さい。雪よりも白くなるように。
詩編 51章 9節
Purify me with hyssop, and I will be clean. Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.
Book 19 Psalms 51:9
God bless you.