
Sunday, May 3, 2015

The focus of shine " with " Rising sun " Japanese calligraphy

Nor is it clear to me,
as people are born and die,

where they are coming from and where they are going.

花見れば 心さへにぞ うつりける  色にはいでじ 人もこそ知れ
凡河内 躬恒 (859–925)   古今和歌集

prime has passed flowers even my mind has changed  however expressionless to avoid known to someone  

Nor why,
being so ephemeral in this world,

they take such pains to make their houses pleasing to the eye.

をりしもあれ 花たちはなの かをるかな  むかしをみつる  夢の枕に
藤原 公衡 (1158-1193)   千載和歌集

as always in full bloom it fragrant  think old days bedside dreams 
Fujiwara no kinhira (1158-1193)  Senzai Wakashū

The  master and the dwelling are competing in their transience.

誰かまた 花橘に 思ひ出でん  我も昔の 人となりなば
藤原 俊成 (1114 - 1204)   新古今和歌集

someone reminds me like this flowers I wonder  after I died the same way

   " 陽 " (yō, or hi). It is translated as light, sun(太陽), etc.
This character is written by Kanzi, Semi-cursive script.

   Etymology : Phono-semantic compound
    阜 (hill) + 昜 (rising)

This character reminds me the sun. It is a very bright space.
Kanji are given various image to people. It is a profound information transmission.

Please enjoy the spring color.
Here is the Tachikawa city located in Tokyo.

マタイによる福音書 第6章 第22節

The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is sound, your whole body will be full of light.
Matthew 6:22

Please also enjoy silence of music.
Here is the Yokosuka city located in Kanagawa Prefecture.

マタイによる福音書 第6章 第28節

Why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. 
They don't toil, neither do they spin, 
Matthew 6:28

God bless you.