
Saturday, June 30, 2018

At dusk harbor Yokohama " Nightfall " Japanese calligraphy

ぬばたまの 夜渡る月を おもしろみ 吾が居る袖に 露ぞ置きにける

     作者未詳 『万葉集』 巻7-1081

The English translation of this Waka is as follows.
" Where I saw the moon crossing the night in the darkness as a wind stream
Unnoticature on my sleeve glittering glowing balls appeared. "

夏の夜の 臥すかとすれば ほととぎす  鳴くひとこゑに 明くる東雲

   古今和歌集  紀貫之

The English translation of this Waka is as follows.
" Despite having finally fallen asleep on the summer evening, sun rises along with the crying voice of the crowd. "

有明の つれなくみえし 月はいでぬ  山郭公 まつ夜ながらに

     新古今和歌集 巻第三 夏歌  藤原良経 (1169-1206)

The English translation of this Waka is as follows.
" A ruthless moon came out, but Lesser cuckoo did not show up even if I waited all night. " 

"" (bo, or kure). It is translated as get dark, sunset, nightfall, dusk, etc.
This character is written by Kanji, Regular script.

Etymology : Phono-semantic compound
 phonetic   (“end”) + semantic (“sun”)

"For the Kingdom of Heaven is like a man who was the master of a household, who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard.
   Matthew 20:1

   マタイによる福音書 20:1 

Thank you for your visit, always.  
I love you.
sincerely yours.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Photos only #13 Hydrangea " Water vessel "

Thank you for your visit, always.  
I love you.
sincerely yours.