
Friday, September 16, 2011

The island of the illusion

     A daredevil man do fishing without attaching a life jacket.
    He does not know where himself is.

    It may be a human being.

     There is the very dangerous and beautiful place where the angler of some lost their life.
    Now, his life may be lighter than one fish.

    There are only him and me here.
    We can look at the island of the illusion slightly on the horizon.

     Birds · · · birds are freedom eternally.
    And they may be safer than a human being.

    Because they do only that themself can do it.
    And they are satisfied with it.

    Yes. I should know those men are necessary, shouldn't it ?
    However, as for life being an illusion, both that man and the bird may be the same.

    The monument of the cape had seen all.

    Here is minato Karatsu-shi Saga Prefecture.
    Please Look at the view from here of other my post.

 ******* Monologue ******* 

    I contributed this article to 10.25.2009.
    Now post it again. This is my origin.

    When i began this blog in July, 2009, my photo was monotonous.
    Because my thought was not put inside.
    i was dissatisfied with it.

    Then i watched "Alienation and Despair" from Something Sighted by JAMES.
    The photograph had "Story". It certainly seemed to speak to me.
    There was the heart of the photographer inside.

    I realized what wasn't enough to me, and noticed myself.
    This post photographed a story of certain scenery for the first time.

    I intended to recur to the origin of my own again, and contributed this article.

    Thank you for looking at my little way.
    Here where I am.

Please your Click support. Thank you.


  1. Your pictures and words touched my heart!

  2. this is absolutely touching my friend...

    Thanks for all!!

    cordially - isabella

  3. Your pictures and your words come from the heart. And that is beautiful.
    Thanks Ruma

  4. R- love the way you have focussed on the fisherman and made him so central and significant; but then as you draw back the zoom he becomes less significant until he is but a spec on the landscape. Funny how we often see ourselves as the centre of things and yet we are but specs - I guess that is the real meaning of the Japanese kangi for nothing - insignificance in the bigger universe picture. Thanks for the reflection. B

  5. The image of the lone fisherman, frail before the mighty sea!
    The birds, ladies of the sky, pure poetry!
    Images visually beautiful and spiritually rich!
    Thanks for the comments and prayers. I also have the habit of daily prayer and I pray for their peace and happiness!

  6. Wonderful photos and words, ruma! Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  7. Merci Ruma, ces photos sont splendides et ce pêcheur très téméraire, merci encore de nous partager de si belles images, d'un pays si inconnu !

  8. I hope he has been lucky!
    Have a good weekend Ruma. ;-)

  9. What a beautiful post! Thank you for taking us to places so beautiful and sharing your great words with us!

  10. This is a touching post, ruma. Though we humans are bounded to the ground, birds and we are the same in this spacious nature. What all of us want is to be set free, and we have wings to fly in our heart. I'll keep "heart of photographer" in my mind.

  11. Wow..great shots ruma..beautiful :)

  12. La ilusión está a lo lejos, se ve entre la bruma. Nos inspira y nos contagia. A veces nos llenamos de ella y otras veces la perdemos de vista. Un bello mensaje el tuyo con unas estupendas fotografías.
    Un abrazo.

  13. There is a beautiful solitude here. I can sense peacefulness and something more. You are a true artist and poet!

  14. Dear Ruma - it is surely a long way from starting to take nice pictures until the photos tell a history and awake other people's attention. These series is really beautiful. I enjoy very much.

  15. These are some amazing photos of the human spirit in battle with the vastness of nature.

    A powerful shot.

  16. who knows, he might be 'fishing' himself, back into life.

    please have a good weekend.

    daily athens

  17. Simply beautiful ! As always, I love ur work

  18. Hi Ruma!
    The heart speaks through your work of art. Beautiful photographs Ruma! I hope that fisherman is save and sound... wouldn't want to know if this was the last photo of him ...
    Beautiful photo of the birds and that island of illusion...
    Hugs, Yolanda
    Monnickendam @ The Netherlands

  19. amazing pictures Ruma, look beauty and especial, Ruma your header is georgeous!! we are in spring now!! gloria


  20. · The fisherman is in a beaatiful corner. He is enjoying in the way we are enjoying this great capture.

    · hugs

    CR & LMA

  21. Alone at the edge
    We cast our lines out to sea
    Hearts soaring in hope

  22. Oh meraviglioso!!
    E' l'uomo, da solo, davanti all'immenso. Non ho parole per esprimere la maestosità che c'è nelle foto. Grazie Ruma per questa emozione.
    Un caro saluto

  23. Ruma,
    From the eye of Mother Nature, birds and human beings are same. Your series of photos remind me of how spacious the world is, where a numerous number of species live together, and very warm feelings came up to me.
    I also remember the origin of my blog and photos. Your words sank into my heart and I was deeply impressed.
    Thanks a lot for writing what I am apt to forget, but are very important.
    Have a great week!
    Best wishes

  24. Ruma, how scary this seems to me!!! I wouldn't think fishing here would be worth it...but, of course, he may not even see it as frightening at all!

    Such wonderful photography!

  25. It's amazing that only you and the man are there in a huge scenery. And a couple of birds turened out. Some story begins...

  26. Прекрасная серия фотографий. Ваши работы завораживают.

  27. Siempre nos muestras lugares maravillosos y atrapas su alma con la cámara


  28. This is really a very beautiful post. Wonderful work, my friend.

  29. Hello Ruma
    Thank you for comment
    We look forward to photos of Japan

  30. Olá Ruma,
    Você colocou muita vida nesta foto tão solitária.
    Que bom que mudou o foco de suas fotografias e colocou Life & Story nas suas imagens.
    Um grande abraço e tudo de bom.

  31. It’s always a pleasure
    to see such a Wonderful Pictures
    good creations

  32. La isla es preciosa. Se ve la grandeza del mar!!
    He leído su monólogo. Tus fotos son fantásticas.
    Tener un buen domingo. Laura

  33. El volcán quedo rendido a sus pies y le belleza del isntante ya permanece.

  34. Amigo Ruma. Tus pàlabras son hermosas, están llenas de Humildad. A través de tus imágenes nos haces sentir y emocionar. El paisaje que envuelve al pescador es maravilloso. La naturaleza se ve hermosa a través de tu cámara.
    Me emociono cada vez que te visito.
    Un abrazo

  35. Heips Ruma. Your fotos are wonderfull. Thank for them.

  36. Hi. Ruma!
    Your pictures and words touch my heart every time I come here.
    Now, about that fisherman - in my opinion the man is crazy and didn't realize yet that life is such a wonderful gift, and because of that we don't have the right to put ourselves in danger.
    Big hugs to you my friend.

  37. Beauty calm photos, it is a pleasure to sea them.

  38. Beautiful shots! Sometimes danger can be exhilarating.

  39. Boa tarde Ruma! Passei para lhe desejar um ótimo final de semana harmonioso, ensolarado, e com muita paz.Um forte abraço amiga. Bjim

  40. Hello ruma!

    I always thought your pictures have a "story" within. Some of them are still - they talk about a significant moment of time in the past - others have movement, continuing to flow somehow - they talk about universal truths.
    When I discovered your blog, I was following a recommandation saying something about "a very beautiful blog". In time, I realized that your blog is a simple, natural and authentic way of life in a more and more crazy world. And unbalanced.
    Thank you for that!

    Warm thoughts and a good weekend,

  41. this is an exceptional series of photos!

    i can almost smell the salty waves!

  42. Maravillosas fotos como siempre querida ruma,me quedaría en esa hermosa isla a escuchar el poder de las olas,la primavera nos hace soñar,abrazos grandes,hugs.

  43. ¡Hello Ruma!
    Thanks for sharing these beautiful images. We are Nature too.

  44. How I like this waterscapes. Fantastic!

  45. Simply beautifully captured shots...lovely!

  46. Super pictures, but it is a long time ago you published again. Everything ok?


  47. Hola ruma, gracias por visitar mi blog museo de premios, me sorprendido gratamente su visita, ni que decirle que me agradaría que se quedase en mi blog principal
    le dejo un beso de ternura

  48. Belissimo. Como sempre grandes fotos. Parabéns.

  49. A very bautiful place. I would like to see it for real.

  50. Gorgeous photos, it´s a bit frightening the image of the lonely fisherman against the inmense sea.
    Greetings from Asturias, Spain

  51. Magnificas capturas, te felicito por ellas.

    Un abrazo y feliz fin de semana.

  52. Linda foto, sinonimo de liberdade...

    Aproveito para convidálo a visitar meu blog, .

  53. Beautiful, beautiful and powerful pictures!!!
    Thank u so much for your lovely comment on my blog, u're more than welcome there anytime!! Have a wonderful weekend!!
    Jelena (

  54. Encore une série de photos d'une grande qualité, et impressionnantes par le sujet. Ce pêcheur semble su fragile devant cette immensité maritime.
    La pêche est un sport ou une occupation, parfois liées au calme, à la contemplation. Mais la pêche est aussi un combat, contre les éléments où l'homme doit savoir faire preuve de courage, comprendre qu'il ne peut toujours gagner et en tous les cas, respecter ses prises. Voilà ce à quoi je pense devant tes photos.



  55. Great thoughts and precious images.

  56. Belíssimas imagens! Obrigada pela visita. Beijocas.

  57. Ihre Bilder und Ihre Worte haben mein HERZ berührt!
    DANKE für den Besuch auf meinem Blog "Renates Eckchen"!
    Ich habe mich so sehr darüber gefreut!

    Liebe Grüße schickt von Herzen

    Renate aus BRD/Saarland

  58. Thank you for your visit to my blog.
    Congratulations for your blog.
    These pictures are wonderfull!!

  59. Gracias por visitar mi blog, puedes volver siempre que lo desees.

    Verdaderamente el pescador se arriesga demasiado. Un golpe de mar fuerte y va al agua!!!.


  60. Wonderfull pictures Ruma!
    It is a pleasure and a joy to see them!
    Congratulation and thank you for your visit to my blog! Melly

  61. Hi, Ruma !
    My mind will be full of your pictures and words today ... and I will come again in your beautiful world, for sure ...
    Thank you, for leaving a sign on my blog and make me found you !
    Have a wonderful day !!!

  62. Olá!
    Fiquei muito feliz com suas adoráveis palavras no meu blog.
    Que belas fotos tens aqui, gostei do que escreveu sobre os pássaros , liberdade pura .
    Um abraço.

  63. Great photos. I love the ones with the fisherman. Greetings.

  64. These pictures are wonderful Ruma,
    my compliments.

    Greetings from Holland, Joop

  65. Your blog is só cute!
    Thanks for
    YOUR comments in my blog!
    Com carinho,

  66. good day from france ,i love these beautiful pictures of the sea

  67. Hi Ruma,
    Thanks for visiting me ..
    I'm following your blog, it's beautiful!
    Hugs dear.!

  68. El hombre solo y la naturaleza en todo su esplendor.
    Excelentemente documentado en estas imágenes.
    Muy buenas.

    Un abrazo

  69. La photo n'est qu'une illusion, c'est vrai, sur papier glacé ou sur ordinateur, mais l'illusion est de plus en plus nécessaire à notre vie déboussolée, elle en devient la part de poésie dont on ne peut se passer.
    Merci de nous l'offrir dans ce vol d’oiseaux libres.


  70. O mar sempre, sempre me encanta,

    Lindas imagens!

    Um abraço e obrigada pela visita,

    Volte sempre ao Let It Be,


  71. What a magnificent view. It makes one seem very small, no?

    Thank you so much for visiting my little corner of the www.


  72. Hi Ruma
    Thank you very much for your visit to my blog and comment. All babies born in the traditional kimono to celebrate the occasion, I wish you peace.
    My English is not good at all. I am writing with Google's translation of
    Hi and affection

  73. These pictures took my breath away. I love the ocean and this really put me there. In some ways we walk in this world without a life jacket and are as much at risk as this man who is doing what he loves.

  74. Bom dia Ruma! Passei para deixar um abraço e dizer-lhe que estou com saudades de você e de suas postagens, elas nos encanta. Uma boa semana! Abrç!!

  75. Beautiful pictures. The man so small and the ocean so wild and wide.

  76. I love photos like yours! Fantastic!

  77. Dangerous as it may be... the view and feelings that come with it are worth the risk

  78. Hello Ruma ....
    Thank you for the nice words you wrote to me
    I wish you all the best and people like you, who send a ray of light
    in our hearts .... hello

  79. I like the sea..beautiful photos!! Nice to meet you!! Sava!

  80. Really beautiful pictures and very nice blog!

  81. this is a very fine blog, please keep going on!
    We love the design and style of everything here:)
    We have a new photography blog and are still looking for creative readers like YOU!:) We are now following you!
    Please visit us,
    best regards,

  82. That's truely the amazing view :)

  83. My dear friend
    Your words and your photos are so beautiful!!!
    I have visit and the other your blog!!!
    You are a special photographer!!!!
    And your country is amazing!!!
    Many greetings and kisses

  84. Wonderful! I´m glad to find your blog.
    Greatings from Germany

  85. You have soul, I can tell this from observing the way you write and the way you see.

    Keep the passion alive!


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and enjoying precious time with me.