Now, here is the arrival of elegant scent.
Even how the severe season.
The change certainly comes.
Rays amplify sweetness.
It needs nothing elsewhere.
A moment is filled up.
Weeping Japanese apricot.
Many smiles.
The heart is warmed by all.
あづさ弓 春の山風吹ぬらん 峰にも尾にも 花匂ひけり
道元 (1200 – 1253)
The bow of God Spring wind blowing down
In peak and ridge The flowers are fragrant.
Dōgen (1200 – 1253)
"天" (ten, or ama). It is translated as the sky, Universe, Cosmos, Fatal things, Creator, God, Power of the Nature, Heaven, Paradise, The place where God lives in, The first, etc.
This character is written by Kanzi, Regular_script.
Etymology : Hieroglyph
It is state that human head has been emphasized.
This character expresses very wide and various meanings.
And " Ten " is religious, and spiritual pronunciation.
I will be reminded of the sacred.
紅梅や 見ぬ恋作る 玉すだれ
松尾 芭蕉 (1644 – 1694)
crimson Japanese apricot make invisible love as ball Sudare
Matsuo Bashō (1644 – 1694)
This hang down apricot was recorded in Awaji Island.
The cheerful sense of the seasons is expressed.
東風吹かば にほひおこせよ 梅の花 主なしとて 春を忘るな
菅原 道真 (845 – 903) 拾遺和歌集
If easterly wind blows Please release incense full bloom apricot
Even if there isn't the master Please don't forget spring
Sugawara no Michizane (845 – 903) Shūi Wakashū
The elegance shakes.
The heart seems to waver for joy, too.