
Sunday, December 6, 2015

ZEN state of soul " Enlightenment " Japanese calligraphy

Quest of my own is mysterious. And, it is infinite.
I don't know the truth of my own.

Obsession. However, it might be incorrect.

 ZEN State

  It is no one knows, never known.

The truth is non-existent. If you say saw the truth, it is not true.
D. T. Suzuki(1870 - 1966)

鈴木 大拙(1870 - 1966)

Something feel in the five senses.
Destination of myself.

my mind swing between the conscious and the subconscious.

   " 悟 " (go, or satori). It is translated as apprehend, realize, become aware, etc.
   This character is written by Kanzi, Regular script.

   Etymology : Ideogrammic compound
    心 (mind) + 吾 (I)

I don't understand the real my mind.

Something it has been trying to hide.
In deep Shadow or unconscious.

I may have been aware of it, but had been ignored.


道元 (1200 - 1253)

- To throw away all the ego consciousness -
  To be free from the bondage of body and mind, enlightenment of the state, taken become a truly Muga.

Dōgen (1200 - 1253)

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Photos only #06 " Multicolored breeze "

Thank you for your visit, always. sincerely yours.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Goodbye summer girl with " Go away " Japanese calligraphy

Delightful season has gone.
Time will not wait for anyone.

Even if know to come, a little lonesome.

荒磯海(あらそうみ)の 浦と頼めし 名残波  打ち寄せてける 忘れ貝かな
よみびとしらず 拾遺和歌集

Rough sea resting place relic wave  Washed up forgotten shellfish 
unknown author  Shūi Wakashū 

Smile has remained in the mind as impression.
Vivid image will be rumination.

I will meet her again?

髪五尺 ときなば水に やはらかき をとめ心は 秘めて放たじ
与謝野 晶子 (1878 – 1942) みだれ髪

Long Hair dissolved in water gracefully soft  Maiden's mind hidden not release
Akiko Yosano (1878 – 1942) Midaregami

When i hug the time, it disappear in such melting.
I had forgotten that are kept constantly flow.

Almost like a train.

今はとて 入りなむ後ぞ 思ほゆる  山路を深み 訪(と)ふ人もなし
藤原 公任  (966 – 1041)  千載和歌集

So now after penetrated I feel  Deep mountain road nobody visit
Fujiwara no Kintō  (966 – 1041)  Senzai Wakashū

" 去 " (kyo, or saru). It is translated as go, go away, leave, depart, etc.
     This character is written by Kanzi, Semi-cursive script. 

   Etymology : Ideogrammic compound
      大 ‎(man) + 口 ‎(mouth).

I don't want to say goodbye when leave.
It might be forever or slightly.

The answer is no one knows.

Lantern Floating Kanazawa city will hold Hyakumangoku Festival

Nagaoka city Fireworks Festival " 2015 Phoenix "

Fireworks is the trace of the season.
Illusion will go away in the dark.

I don't care remains of misunderstanding.


ヨハネによる福音書 第10章 第17-18節

 Therefore the Father loves me, because I lay down my life, that I may take it again.
 No one takes it away from me, but I lay it down by myself.
 I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again.
 I received this commandment from my Father."

John 10:17-18

God bless you.

I will encounter you, again.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

The summer story with " profound " Japanese calligraphy

This moment contains very important something.
They are huge.

I wonder what grasp the pieces?

夢よりも はかなきものは 夏の夜の  暁がたの 別れなりけり
壬生 忠岑 (898 – 920)  後撰和歌集

more than dream ephemeral something summer night  dawn time sad farewell
Mibu no Tadamine (898 – 920)   Gosen Wakashū

While complicated relationship to keep the fragile harmony, it has maintained brittle order.
The outcome is not known to anyone.


夏の夜は まだ宵ながら 明けぬるを  雲のいづこに 月やどるらん
清原 深養父 (平安時代中期)   古今和歌集

summer night still evening already dawn  somewhere clouds moon rest
Kiyohara no Fukayabu (9-10th century)   Kokin Wakashū

This blue world will be sure protected by wisdom.
Huge, ferocious monster will be destroyed. It has to.

He has made everything beautiful in its time. 
He has also set eternity in their hearts, 
yet so that man can't find out the work that God has done from the beginning even to the end.
 Ecclesiastes 3:11  

 伝道の書  第3章 第11節

わたつ海の おきなかにひの はなれいてて  もゆと見ゆるは あまのいさりか
伊勢 (875 – 938)  拾遺和歌集

quiet sea sun off coast drift away  seems to be burning  fishing fire 
Lady Ise (875 – 938)  Shūi Wakashū

   " 深 " (shin, or fukai). It is translated as deep, depth, profound, far, very, extreme, etc.
   This character is written by Kanzi, Semi-cursive script.

   Etymology : Phono-semantic compound
    氵 ‎(water) + 穼 (deep water)

Characters meaning and shape is determined.
However, those written are slightly different. Indeed profound phenomenon.

大和は国のまほろば たたなづく 青垣山ごもれる 大和しうるはし
倭建命  古事記

Sublime nature of Japan remains beautiful forever.
Prince Yamatotakeru (? - 43)  Kojiki

Tradition of Japan will shine in the summer. 
If you can overcome the high humidity, may be seen some beautiful storys.

The watchman said, "The morning comes, and also the night. 
If you will inquire, inquire. Come back again."
 Isaiah  21:12

 イザヤ書  第21章 第12節

God bless you.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Photos only #05 " purple rain "

Thank you for your visit, always. sincerely yours.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

The focus of shine " with " Rising sun " Japanese calligraphy

Nor is it clear to me,
as people are born and die,

where they are coming from and where they are going.

花見れば 心さへにぞ うつりける  色にはいでじ 人もこそ知れ
凡河内 躬恒 (859–925)   古今和歌集

prime has passed flowers even my mind has changed  however expressionless to avoid known to someone  

Nor why,
being so ephemeral in this world,

they take such pains to make their houses pleasing to the eye.

をりしもあれ 花たちはなの かをるかな  むかしをみつる  夢の枕に
藤原 公衡 (1158-1193)   千載和歌集

as always in full bloom it fragrant  think old days bedside dreams 
Fujiwara no kinhira (1158-1193)  Senzai Wakashū

The  master and the dwelling are competing in their transience.

誰かまた 花橘に 思ひ出でん  我も昔の 人となりなば
藤原 俊成 (1114 - 1204)   新古今和歌集

someone reminds me like this flowers I wonder  after I died the same way

   " 陽 " (yō, or hi). It is translated as light, sun(太陽), etc.
This character is written by Kanzi, Semi-cursive script.

   Etymology : Phono-semantic compound
    阜 (hill) + 昜 (rising)

This character reminds me the sun. It is a very bright space.
Kanji are given various image to people. It is a profound information transmission.

Please enjoy the spring color.
Here is the Tachikawa city located in Tokyo.

マタイによる福音書 第6章 第22節

The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is sound, your whole body will be full of light.
Matthew 6:22

Please also enjoy silence of music.
Here is the Yokosuka city located in Kanagawa Prefecture.

マタイによる福音書 第6章 第28節

Why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. 
They don't toil, neither do they spin, 
Matthew 6:28

God bless you.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Photos only #04 " This delightful week "

Thank you for your visit, always. sincerely yours.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Where are the scent from? with " Voice " Japanese calligraphy

I listened to the spring whisper.

梅の花  なににほふらん  見る人の  色をも香をも  忘れぬる世に
大弐 三位 (999 - 1082)   新古今和歌集

Plum blossom Why fragrant People to appreciate  Color and flavor Even though they've forgotten
Daini no Sanmi (999 - 1082)   Shin Kokin Wakashū

Idyllic day.

わかやとの  梅のたちえや  見えつらん  思ひの外に  君かきませる
平 兼盛 (? -991)   拾遺和歌集

My house Branch of apricot Whether looked?  Surprisingly You've come

Sunshine is gentle.

梅の花  匂ふ春べは  くらぶ山  闇に越ゆれど  しるくぞありける
紀 貫之 (872 - 945)   古今和歌集

Japanese apricot Spring scent Desolate mountain  Going darkness  Feel presence clearly

   " 声 " (sei, or koe). It is translated as voice.
   This character is written by Kanzi, Regular script.

   Etymology : Ideogrammic compound
    Clang the lithograph  +    Ear

The voice can be heard naturally. Although it is wonder what.
In both ears and mind.

Plum Blossoms in Kyoto.
Over the next two months. Kyoto is the most shining season.

ペテロの第一の手紙 第5章 第6節

Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time; 
1 Peter  5:6

God bless you.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Photos only #03 " The Solemn seedlings "

Thank you for your visit, always. sincerely yours.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

The wandering future with " Woman " and " Man " Japanese calligraphy

Maybe, she might to be waiting for someone.
Encounter and farewell.

Something is waiting for her.

世の中は かくこそありけれ 吹く風の  目に見ぬ人も 恋しかりけり
紀 貫之 (872 – 945)    古今和歌集

This world  want to meet  wind blows   even can't see  miss the man       
Ki no Tsurayuki (872 – 945) Kokin Wakashū

Between the two, the word is not required.
one man, and woman.

What's reflected in their eyes ?

天つ空 とよのあかりに 見し人の  なほ面影の しひて恋しき
大納言 公任 (966 – 1041)  新古今和歌集

the firmament in dim light seen woman   beautiful appearance very miss    
Fujiwara no Kintō (966 – 1041) Shin Kokin Wakashū

They will continue to penetrate into no one knows the other side.
As if there was nothing there.

Without even leaving the trace.

恋ひ死なば 恋ひも死ねとや 玉ほこの  道行人に ことづてもなき
柿本 人麻呂  拾遺和歌集 

if heartbreak love die sharp halberd  passing man nor message
Kakinomoto no Hitomaro (662 – 710) Shūi Wakashū

" 女 " (nyo, or onna). It is translated as woman.
This character is written by Kanzi, Regular script.
Etymology : Pictogram
woman with breasts kneeling or standing.
The form of this character I looks like a mother that holding a child. 
Feminine soft impression has been contained.

A lot of meeting and parting. Port Yokohama.

" 男 " (nan, or otoko). It is translated as male, man, husband, etc.
This character is written by Kanzi, Regular script.
Etymology : Ideogrammic compound
    田 (field) + 力 (power)
Man has been represented as a farmer. 
This character reminds directly to "male" to us.

Port Yokohama view from dusk till dawn.

  使徒行伝 第18章 第21節 

but taking his leave of them, and saying, "I must by all means keep this coming feast in Jerusalem, 
but I will return again to you if God wills," 
he set sail from Ephesus.
  Acts 18:21

God bless you.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Thanks to you all and your works, sincerely with " Universe " Japanese calligraphy

" The Blue Planet Earth "
Human beings are living together on this one planet. 

All people.

In Japan from ancient times, it seeing Mount Fuji on January 1. 
It has been said that very auspicious is good.

人知れぬ 思ひをつねに するがなる  富士の山こそ 我が身なりけれ
読み人知らず  古今和歌集 (905年頃)

people mightn't know always think about something like  just Mount Fuji my own appearance   
Author unknown Kokin Wakashū (about 905) 

Summer heat makes vivid green.

   ペテロの第一の手紙 第1章 第23節

having been born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, 
through the word of God, which lives and remains forever.
   1 Peter 1:23

Children smile always encourages me.
Of course, her great singing voice.

" 宇 宙 " (uchū). It is translated as universe, cosmos.
This character is written by Kanzi, Regular script.

   Etymology : Ideogrammic compound
    宇 (home) + 宙 (eternity)

People who created this word is a great.  
The entire universe was defined as our collaborative house.

富士の嶺の ならぬ思ひに  もえばもえ 神だにけたぬ むなし煙を
読み人知らず  古今和歌集 (905年頃)

Mount Fuji ridge unrealizable my thoughts  more burning even God can't extinguish   
Author unknown Kokin Wakashū (about 905)


" Once-in-a-lifetime encounter "
   Treasure every encounter, for it will never recur...
   " 一 期 一 会 "
   ichi  go  ichi  e

旧約聖書 哀歌  第3章 第22-23節

It is because Yahweh's loving kindnesses that we are not consumed, because his compassion doesn't fail.
They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
The Old Testament Lamentations  3:22-23

   I pray for you and yours happiness.
   And, Peace of the earth.
God bless you.

   Happy New Year 2015 !!

From the Far East, Japan.
01.01.2015  00:00 JST   ruma