
Monday, March 3, 2025

Girls' " Sweet " Day


 The set of ornamental dolls "Hina-Ningyō" stood in line.
It is a thing to celebrate Hina-matsuri (Girls' Day March 3).

In a show case, I see the cakes which seem to be delicious and delicate.

 This is the traditional decoration.
Each doll has various roles.

The season is going to come this year.

 This shop is the long-established store of Japanese sweets ( Wagashi ).
The salesclerk puts on a clean cowl.

Her traditional style treats the heart of the customer.

Welcome to the classic world...
Here is Ginza, Tokyo.

Saturday, February 22, 2025

ZEN Temple Eihei-ji in Winter


 Eihei-ji Temple is one of the oldest temples belonging to the Zen Soto sect which the priest Dōgen did a founder.
 It was founded to 1244.

 These outskirts are famous by having very much snow.

 The Zen priest wears only a thin shoulder-worn robe (It seems to be very cold all day life, other Zen temple's link).
 And they sit in contemplation zazen without heating with bare foot.. before the daybreak to going to bed.
 The getting up is about 3:00. The bath is about once a week.

 The meal is "ichijuu issai " (ex.). Boiled barley and rice, miso soup, a side dish, a pickle.
 It means it "One soup One vegetables". Another helping? No!

 It may be difficult a little even if anyone is going to train oneself in this temple.
 Because the ascetic practices are very severe for a body mark and mind.
 And there is this temple distantly in a remote deep mountain from the town.

 If the exerciser gets tired of ascetic practices, he needs his life and courage to escape.
 Snow is piled up more than 3 meters in winter here.

 Therefore most the application is sent away even if they propose ascetic practices.
 It is called "turning away at the door" called Japanese "Monzen barai".

 The state of the summer look at here, please.

 Zen way is so far and inclement...
 Dōgen soul is here.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Monday, February 3, 2025

" ZEN " Japanese calligraphy

    "禪" (zen). It is translated in ZEN.

    Please look at next these how about some knowledge.
    It is something about the ZEN's priest "Dōgen".
    It is something about the ZEN's prose, "Shōbōgenzō" - Japanese old literature.
    It is something about the Japanese calligraphy.

Zen Buddhist monks

A Day in the Life of a Zen Monk

Simply Sit to Gain Enlightenment

" Something Most Oriental " ( 1963 lecture)

"The more you suffer, the deeper your character becomes and the more you can appreciate life."

 by Daisetsu Suzuki