『誠』 (sei, or makoto). It is translated as sincere, honest, true, real.
This character is written by Kanzi, Regular script.
Etymology : 言 (words, or speak) + 成 (completed, or fixed)
It is honest to take responsibility for words.
Etymology : 言 ⇒ upper half part (sharp knife) + 口 (mouth)
It is the same as having a knife to speak, sometimes.
This word is good for the New Year.
The spirit will cultivate the life.
I believe all.. sincerely...
I pray for your crop.
So Good year for you and yours.
とき遅き たがひはあれど つらぬかぬ
ことなきものは 誠なりけり
明治天皇御製 (1852 – 1912)
early or late may be difference but stick to the will
at any time my sincere heart
Emperor Meiji (1852 – 1912)