
Monday, January 1, 2024

Thanks to you all and your works, sincerely


   This is the place to catch a beautiful sunset, at straight seashore.

   I thank to all friends who visited my pocket-size the Far East space.
   All your works are wonderful.

   I respect them heartily, and was always impressed by them.

I dedicate a lot of thanks to many Friends all over the world.
Heartwarming New Year greetings of all of you.

I am honored your encouragement.

Treasure every encounter, for it will never recur...
ichi  go  ichi  e

I pray for you and yours happiness.
And, Peace of the earth.

Happy New Year 2024 !!

What kind of kanji/calligraphy do you want?

Please tell me in your native language, and write it in the comments section.

Maybe I can accommodate your request.

Don't you think it's a good idea?

In Japan, it has been said since ancient times that seeing Mt. Fuji during New Year's Day brings good luck.
I wish you good luck.

From the Far East, Japan.
01.01.2024 00:00 JST   ruma


  1. Que cierto es que las cosas solo ocurren una vez en la vida y se debe aprovechar.
    Tal vez la mala suerte al ver el monte Fuji el día de año nuevo sea por que no caiga la nieve sobre el que luego sirve para dar vida.
    Aunque hoy me desperté escuchando una negra noticia de tu país desearte que tengáis tú y tu familia un feliz año.


  2. Preciosas tus fotografías. Te deseo un Feliz Año 2024. Besos.

  3. Hello Ruma!
    Thank you for your comment on my blog.
    I just did some manipulation on Google and here I am again!

  4. 新年おめでとうございます。年初から困難な状態におられる方々に思いをはせつつ、感謝してすごしています。遠方に旅行へ出かける機会もほとんどなく、航空機からの眺めを写真で楽しみました。

  5. С Новым годом, Ruma! Здоровья, Мира, благополучия Вам и Вашей семье. Что касается вопроса, я не знаток каллиграфии, и всегда с удовольствием читаю Ваши посты. Буквы и текст впечатляют меня - филолога и лингвиста глубочайшим образом. Вдохновения в новом году.

  6. Incredible and nice photographs taked from the air of this wonderful country.


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