
Saturday, April 9, 2011

"Think" Japanese calligraphy

     "" (shi, omou).  It is translated as think, consider, ponder, etc.  
    This character is written by Kanzi,
Regular script.

    Etymology : Phono-semantic compound
    phonetic 囟 (Head of infant)  +  semantic 心 (heart)

    Thank you for a lot of heartwarming THINK from all over the world.
    Yes. Your "THINK" reached the world east end. To this small island.

    66 years ago. Hiroshima. Nagasaki.
    The demilitarization citizens more than 260,000 were abolished at a moment by two Atomic bomb.
    It was suffered from aftereffects the innumerable A-bomb victims.
    It continues now.

    But, the towns completely revived.
    So. Northeastern district and Fukushima will be certainly returned to its former state, too.

    The Japanese will never escape from this small island.
    We will not run away to other anywhere. It can not be.

   We stayed with cherry trees all the time here for several thousand years.
   and, will share the fate...


  1. cherry trees will blossom again.

  2. Que tu bello país no sufra más y vuelva a sentir la alegre primavera cuando florezcan los cerezos…

    Un cordial saludo Ruma.

  3. I think that all of us think about your country Ruma! But cherry trees will blossom again!

  4. Tu as raison d'avoir la foi dans la vie et de penser que le cerisier refleurira un jour.... et je te souhaite un peu de paix pour les prochains temps !

  5. Diese wunder schönen Kirschbäume, können meine Gedanken nur kurze Zeit ablenken.
    Besten Dank für diese Bilder.
    Lieb Grüsse aus der Schweiz

  6. We are, as always, very much impressed by your wonderful photos, your courageous words and your beautiful calligraphy!

  7. Bonita y expresiva caligrafía...como su significado. Que os vaya todo bien y regreseis muy pronto a la normalidad. Saludos cordiales.

  8. Amigo es una letra bella espero que su país este día a día mejorando!

  9. Todo mi apoyo querido Ruma para tu bello pais!!!
    Japón florecerá como los cerezos!! y como siempre lo hizo!!

  10. It always saddens me when I think of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I wish that man had never discovered the atom, Ruma. To think my country unleashed that bomb on Japan makes me ill and, even when used peacefully, catastrophe seems to happen.

  11. Dear Ruma, I feel the spirit of your words and I`m sure, that the japanese culture never go down. I´m happy to see on TV, that a few people in Japan are demonstrating against nuklear energy. I hope they become more and more political influence to make a switch from atomic energy to Nature energy. The german people learned about the catastrophe in Japan! Never before, the "Greens" have had so much political influence. Ruma, I wish you a lot of power and hope you are well?! A lot of hugs form your german friend Luzia.


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