
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Coming soon, snow white pieces Ⅰ

    The case called merely "flower" means cherry blossoms (sakura) in the Far East.
   It has been used in
waka or haiku from the ancient times.

   Here is Kiba park, Tokyo.

    Flower viewing (Hanami) is a meaning of the sight of the cherry tree in the case of most.
   The one of the places most famous abroad is the
Potomac river of the U.S.A.

    The cherry blossoms are symbols of the spirit of the Far East.
   The people spend remaining 51 weeks of one year for only one week to flower.

   There is just only three months till we meet top of the flowers.

    "Cherry blossoms" all of posts, please click here.


  1. Oh Ruma, they are such beauiful flowers!! I miss flowers so much - will have to wait few month to see them here!
    Hope you're having great time.
    Thanks for showing such beauties:)

  2. On comprend pourquoi les Japonnais privilégient autant la floraison de cet arbre !

  3. Que florido esta el precioso...fotografias llenas de belleza.


  4. esas flores deben ser de las cosas mas lindas que tiene tu pais. me parece maravilloso.

    gracias por visitarme

  5. La Naturaleza en Ocasiones se muestra realmente exuberante.
    Unas fotos muy bellas.
    Saludos desde esta parte del mundo.

  6. Qué belleza!! La última fotografía es alucinante, un saludo

  7. Muy buenas tomas. Estupendas fotografías. Enhorabuena. Saludos.

  8. Well I always found this kind of remarkable..I mean they are so lovely. I feel sheepish sometimes posting so many photos of flowers on my blog! But hey, this is devotion! Nice shots..are they blooming early by any chance? Have a great day-

  9. Precioso relato sobre el cerezo.
    RUMA, me permito la libertad de traducirlo unido al Castellano,¿te importa?.
    Ya te contare cosas sobre los cerezos aqui en esta Occidental España, es en Primavera, aya por Mayo en el Valle del Jerte.

    Las flores de cerezo son símbolos del espíritu del Lejano Oriente.
    La gente pasa restantes 51 semanas de un año para una sola semana a florecer.

    Sólo hay sólo tres meses hasta que nos encontremos parte superior de la visualización flowersFlower (Hanami) es un sentido de la vista del árbol de cerezo en el caso de la mayoría.

    El uno de los lugares más famosos en el extranjero es el río Potomac de los EE.UU.
    El caso denominado simplemente "flor" significa flores de cerezo (sakura) en el Lejano Oriente. Se ha utilizado en waka o haiku de los tiempos antiguos.

  10. Ah spring, you bring us le printemps. So, so pretty!

  11. Magnifique ces arbres em fleurs !

  12. beautiful!! I had the wonderful opportunity to photograph cherry blossoms while in korea in 2004..they relationship with the blossoms is bitter sweet when you look at their history;) Wonderful images..thank you!

  13. Bellísimos los cerezos florecidos! Muy lindas fotos!

  14. Ruma when is the cherry blossom starting? I want to come to Japan at this time:)

  15. I can't believe those colors , beatifull like snow, like milk of nature, like a baby's whisper

  16. You know this:" because we wait a long time for pleasure that pleasure is te best"
    If people waits 51 weeks the flowered week is the most beautifull

  17. I've never been lucky enough to travel Japan in April. Cherry blossom time was only on picture, for me.

  18. I especially like the third photo. I have visited the cherry blossoms in Washington, DC. Lovely. We have them here in the Highlands as well. There is something about the fragility of cherry blossoms set against the harsh landscape of mountains. It is similar in Japan, yes?

  19. I have a blog about Japan but I have written about Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand places I have travelled to recently. Please come to have a look if you like. My blog is in Portuguese, but I have a translator.

  20. el espíritu del Lejano Oriente en una flor! bellísimo! gracias, Ruma.

  21. Preciosos almendros.... aquí florencen en enero...

    Tremendas las fotos...

    Saludos y un abrazo, y buena entrada de año.

  22. Votre raffinement et la beauté de ce blog, ne sont pas près de s'évanouir !
    A force de publications aussi délicieuses les unes que les autres, votre espace artistique est de plus en plus merveilleux chaque jour.
    Bien respectueusement et amicalement.

  23. Wow..great pictures and the tree looks beautiful..

  24. Hermoso árbol, Ruma.
    Este año planté un sakura en mi jardín, espero que en el 2010 me regale sus ramas florecidas. Cariños

  25. The third photo is my favorite. The Cherry Blossoms are beautiful, and remind me of spring. It's closer than we think.

  26. That's a much warmer white than what we're seeing today (snow)! Very beautiful cherry blossoms. It will be a while before we see them for ourselves.

  27. .. a dream, full light, life, smell, this is the white for whom I long, it promises life .

    Thank you for the miraculous pictures.

  28. Absolutely beautiful pics! The closest japanese restaurant to my house is called Sakura and I love the food there. :-)
    Thank you again for commenting in portuguese on my blog.

  29. The tree is so beautiful. I love cherries but I didn't realize that they come from such a wonderful tree. The top picture is amazing.

  30. Preciosas fotos.
    La Naturaleza siempre nos da lo mejor.
    Sepamos amarla como merece.


  31. Your Cherry blossom trees are just beautiful. Awesome photos.

  32. How beautiful! I bet it looks just like snow from a distance!

  33. vida, muerte, ciclos, un saludo, feliz 2010

  34. Fantastic!!! You must visit valley of Jerte, in Spain, in spring. Beautiful pictures. Thank you

  35. ruma...

    vale la pena la espera...


    gracias por compartir sueños y vivencias en este año que ya nos deja... y por acercarnos la belleza del Lejano Oriente...espero seguir compartiendo sueños y amistad en el que comienza!!!

    hermosos días!!
    Feliz 2010!!


  36. Greetings
    Heard of Cherry Blossom, but I did not recognize her, but from your description it

  37. "Sakura" filled with the purity of "yuki".
    Arigato gozaimasu Ruma san !

  38. Oh so beautiful - Beautiful blossoms! So glad you shared them w/ us! Makes me want to see springtime all that much sooner!

  39. Beautiful pictures : snow of spring...

    Like people with flowers of trees, I spend remaining 36 weeks for only this last week of 2009 to discover my new, my first grandson...

  40. Rumas sono molto belli i fiori di ciliegio. Grazie Alex

  41. I can see why the spirit is there. My neighbour has one and i´m always amazed of it´s radiance.

  42. Maravilloso!!!
    Me gustaria estar alli y hacer fotos :D

  43. Ohayou Gozaimasu! Love these blossoms. Reminds of a wonderful short film by Kurosawa. Great blog filled with the flavor of Nippon :)

  44. Querida Ruma que maravilla!

    Bellísimas flores y extraordinarias fotografías.

    Un verdadero regalo divino.

    Un abrazo.

  45. Awesome!!! you are an artist!!

  46. I loved being here :)

    Thank You!



  47. Wonderful! What kind of tree is this I really amaze in the color,symbolize purity.

    Laby[mens dress shirts]

  48. Hello Ruma !
    Wonderful photos of cherry blossoms.
    Thank you very much for your last message.
    I love to travel on your blog. Your photos and writtings are always very nice.
    Have a wonderful New Year 2012 which still will see our virtual friendship goes on.

  49. Hello my dear Ruma,

    Personally i can not wait until the spring will reveal itself again.
    Just to watch this fantastic ocean of blossom makes me jump with joy.

    I wish you and everyone you hold dear all the best for the new year.
    I prey that 2012 will bring you good spirit, good luck and good health.

    Thank you for all your dear visits and comments.

    Warm regards, Karina

  50. Bellísimas imágenes amigo Ruma. Que la luz de la esperanza ilumine a tu pais. feliz año nuevo.
    Un abrazo.

  51. Absolutely gorgeous! It's winter here, although we're having quite unseasonably warm weather this week... I miss flowers & all the color in winter, so here's to a beautiful & colorful spring!!! =)

    God bless you, Ruma, & happy new year!

  52. hello,

    so lovely to see these blossoms and photographs.
    thank you for your friendship in our realm of blogging. Lovely 2012 to you and yours~

  53. I love spring and everything with flowers. Your pictures are really unbelievable. Thank you very much.

  54. The petals of these flowers are nature's force vessel that brings beauty in life...they are like fairies throne majestically looking at the the sky.

  55. The only cherry trees Of japan I have seen in Swetzerland was in Aubonne's arboretum'S japanese' garden. They are only 3 but touch my hearth as it is still my dream to see them in Japan.

  56. Fine cherry blossoms?
    In Japan is a paradise of flowers!
    a warmth of Brazil

  57. Such beautiful flowers Ruma! Thank you for stopping by.


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