
Thursday, November 5, 2009

The autumn full moon "mei getsu"

The autumn moon lived in art as the representative thing which symbolized the autumn beauty of the Far East from the ancient times.

Man'yōshū tanka collection(oldest existing collection of Japanese poetry), The Tale of Genji, Waka(poetry), Haiku, etc.
The autumn chief character was always the moon.


  1. No wonder - moon is beautiful!
    Fabulous photos.

  2. Ayer mismo he sido testigo de la luna jugando con las nubes del otoño. pero no he podido fotografiarlas... Sé por qué, tenías que vivirlo en presente sin aferrarme a ello... así que ¡Arigato! por mostrarlas hoy :)
    ¿Se escribe así? Ya no lo recuerdo muy bien. Pido perdón si no está bien escrito.
    Buen día!
    Un cordial saludo desde Asturias :)

  3. No sé si leerás español, pero quiero que sepas que deseo saber todo lo que quieras expresar del lejano oriente. Tanto mi hijo como yo somos fervientes admiradores de esa cultura.
    Vemos película, bebemos y sabemos sobre el té, mi hijo juega Go...
    Estas fotos son maravillosas, he tenido siempre problemas para fotografiar la luna, se resiste a mi cámara.
    Un saludo desde Argentina

    Please, if you can't understand spanish tell me and I'll try write in English

  4. Dear Ruma, what beautiful pictures of the ever enticing moon. This prompted me to read up a bit on Japanese poetry. tanka, haiku and waka. I have found some lovely poems. Thank you.

  5. So beautiful! I love photographing the moon too; I got a couple more yesterday that I will try to post later this afternoon.

    Have a wonderful day!

  6. JUST GORGEOUS dear Ruma!
    Take care,

  7. El cielo es fantastico, aqui se llama cielo emborregado.

    Fotografia muy bonita.


  8. La bella luna -- beautiful photos! Thank you for your knowledge and for sharing with us.

  9. Very cool shots - I have 2 shots very similar that I'll be posting for Sky Watch Friday. I was going to post them both last week for Halloween, but my internet was out, so I didn't get to. Great images

  10. Very pretty and mysterious moon shots. I especially like the first one with the leaves over it.

  11. Beautiful your blog, Ruma. I love oriental traditions like haikus, symbols, Li Po, etc.
    Love the pictures, information, poetry. Congrats for the wonderful work of yours here. Love also the information about full moon in poetry, a tradition I continue. Tks for visiting me and for the comments about my photo blog. Regards.

  12. Beautiful..just beautiful! I do so love your blog!! Thank you for visiting mine!!
    Namaste, Sarah

  13. they are so ancient, the autumn celebrations of the night and the moon.they connect us throughout the planet and evoque our common ancestry

  14. I love Japan. There is so much beauty there.
    I haven't spent much time there, just five days in Tokyo a few years ago to see my friend, who was performing for 3 months at the Park Hyatt's NY Bar, but, at that time, I got to meet ten forensic colleagues - doctors and nurses who were hoping to set up services for sexual assault victims in your country. A few months later, four of them came to San Francisco and I took a week off to show them around and to introduce them to all such programs in our area. I was so honored when they, then, invited me back to Japan - all expenses paid - to teach on child forensic interviewing at four sites in Japan! I was in Tokyo, Shiga, Kyoto and Akita. Akita was so lovely. We spent three days there and my dear friends took me to Kakunodate to see a Japanese Sumurai Village and to beautiful Lake Tazawa. Also, in Akita, I had some of the most wonderful sake!

  15. Wau..that was really an excellent shots..beautiful.

  16. Mesmerizing moon, how beautiful! Congratulations they are wonderful photographs.

  17. Fantastic night shots! Truly beautiful!

  18. Really wonderful in Japanese tradition it have meaning.

    Laby[White Suit]


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